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Newborn+ label nacio en mi habitacio, en ese momento estaba por recibir la llegada de mi hermana menor y mi primera sobrina, queria regalarles algo diferente y lindo. Busque mucho localmente pero no encontre nada, entonces busque online solo que para mi desilucion cuando llego mi pedido, las prendas ya eran muy pequeñas para ellas. Fue en ese momento que pense que necesitabamos un lugar de donde poder adquirir prendas diferentes para recien nacidos y bebés o chicos mas grandecitos, prendas con diseños unicos. Le comente a mi mama de mi idea y juntas creamos algunas piezas que las ofreci por Instagram, y para mi sorpresa fueron un HIT total. Pronto me encontre haciendo una linea entera para bebes!!

La idea principal era ofrecer un balance entre la necesidad y el deseo de comprar, liberar a los chiquitos de tantas cosas que no necesitan pero al mismo tiempo ofreciendoles comodidad en cada prenda con el estilo que solo nuestras prendas te pueden ofrecer.

Queremos alejarnos del caos del consumismo ya que en la mayoria de las veces compramos mas de lo que realmente nos ponemos y es ahi donde quise crear conciencia en prendas que trasciendan en el tiempo, con colores de una paleta principalmente neutra con prendas de diseño minimalista y en algunos casos unisex para que asi la herencia tambien sea  parte de ese legado que queremos incentivar en la nueva generacion. Amar la naturaleza, cuidar de ella en todos los aspectos que podamos. Y si podemos ayudara disminuir la polucion global con MENOS compras entonces digamos MAS si a lo que perdura en el tiempo y mas no al consumismo! 

Somos una empresa 100% paraguaya. Una empresa familar que luchamos todos los dias por ofrecer puertas de empleos a otras familias paraguayas como la nuestra. Detras de cada pieza confeccionada hay una mujer luchadora, empoderada, valiente que sale a trabajar todos los dias y que tiene el mayor cuidado en cada detalle de cada prenda que hace.

Con ese deseo de ofrecerles lo mejor en la forma mas simple posible fue que Newborn nacio y espero que cada pieza que forma parte del wardrobe de tu peque te haga tan feliz como nos hace a nosotros cada vez que creamos algo para ellos!





College: Pittsburg State University 

Major: Fashion Merchandising 

Minor: Marketing




Newborn + label was born in my room, one day when I was transitioning from living in the city where I moved after graduating (Los Angeles, CA) to my hometown (Asuncion, Paraguay). At that time I was about to welcome my youngest sister and my first niece, I wanted to give them something different but at the same time cute. I searched a lot locally but I did not find anything, so I searched online,  finally I found something that was quite close to what I wanted. To my disappointment when my order arrived, the clothes no longer fit any of them. It was at that moment that I thought we needed a place to buy different clothes for babies, clothes with unique designs. I told my mom about my idea and together we created some pieces that were offered on Instagram, which to my surprise were a total HIT. Soon I found myself making a whole line for babies!!


The main idea was to offer a balance between the need and desire to buy, free children from so many things that they do not need but at the same time offering them comfort in each garment with the style that only our garments can offer.

Today our pieces are made to free our kids from clutter and let them be stylish without sacrificing comfort.


We want to get away from clutter, from the habit of consuming what we don't really need because most of the time we buy more than what we really wear and that's where I wanted to create awareness making timeless pieces, mainly with a neutral palette with minimalist designs and in some cases unisex so that inheritance is also part of that legacy that we want to encourage in the new generation. Love nature, take care of it in all aspects. And if we can help reduce global pollution with LESS purchases then let's say MORE yes to things that last in time and not to consumerism!


We are an 100% Paraguayan company. A family run business that works hard every day to offer job opportunities to other Paraguayan families like ours. Behind each piece made there is a fighter, empowered, brave Paraguayan woman who goes out to work every day and who takes the greatest care in every detail of every garment she makes.

With that desire to offer you the best in the simplest way possible, Newborn+ label was born and I hope that each piece that is part of your little one's wardrobe makes you as happy as it makes us every time we create something for them!


Thanks for choosing us!





College: Pittsburg State University 

Major: Fashion Merchandising 

Minor: Marketing